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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stalking celebrities in Seattle

This has been a record weekend for the Paisley and I. This weekend has brought us two celebrities sightings.

I fournd out Friday afternoon that Dan Akroyd was going to be in town on Saturday to promote his Crystal Head Vodka. We got arrived at the liquor store about 45 minutes before Dan did. He arrived in his Crystal Head RV and got set up in the store pretty quick. Once  he was in and sitting there was no messing around.  

The man Dan reaching for my copy of The Blues Brothers anniversary DVD to sign after signing my 1/2 gallon of Crystal Head.

Here's the Paisley with Dan in an awesome handshake. I had a photo taken as welll or so I thought, but apparently the guy I asked to take the photo couldn't work my camera. Such is life I guess. I know I was there and I have other photos so I'm still happy with the day.

And finally here I am with my 1/2 gallon of Crystal Head. I haven't cracked it open yet. Not sure if I will just yet.

Tonight we stalk Harry Connick Jr. He's in town for a concert at the winery and I got my Paisley some tix for her birthday to go and see him tonight.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cocktail Misery

Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini, bartender say “Olive or Twist?”

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beer Convention

The CEO's of Guinness, Miller and Corona are at a beer convention. After a day of meetings and speeches and schmoozing from vendors the three decide to meet up for dinner.

Once at the restaurant the waitress ask's them each what they would like to drink.

"I'll have a Miller" says the CEO of Miller.

"I'll have a Corona" says the CEO of Corona.

"I'll have a Coke" says the CEO of Guinness.

The other two CEO's stare at him and ask why he's not having a beer to which he says "Well if you two blokes aren't having a beer then neither am I".

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Clutter Free Hallway!!!

So some time ago the Paisley and I had decided that we needed to be on a more minimalist track with our lives and our home. Especially since we live in an 812sq ft condo. That doesn't leave a lot of room.

well after a lot of struggle to determine what stays and what goes we were able to reduce the amount of books that we have by a lot. This means that the two big IKEA book cases we had in our hallway have now been reduced down to just one.

Even better is that one book case can now lay on it's side opening up more of our hallway!! No more dark narrow passage. I have been feeling for sometime that I needed a miner's hat with one of those lanterns on it everytime I was making my way from the bedroom to anyplace else in the house.

You can see here from the "before" posting that we had quite a bit of books, but now with the "after" (see photo below) we have loads of room!!!!

It is sad to see so many books go, but you can find them on Amazon if you'd like to provide them with a good home!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Drinking with siblings......................

is apparently a bad idea in my family. Especially in public.

Yep. My sister and I after a few pints and two shots of tequila.

We're the fun party.

The dining room muligan

What started out as a conversation about our tastes, likes and common interest lead the Paisley and I to a more in depth discussion about how to decorate our home.

We have been going through our belongings and donating the things that we just don't believe we can sell and setting aside the things that we can sell on line for a bit of cash to aid in pulling ourselves out of the consumer driven credit card debt we've amassed.

In the process of all this we have found out a few things about ourselves. We don't need "stuff" to fill our lives. We now have more rooms in our rooms because of the lack of "stuff". It's amazing how much "stuff" we were able to get into an 812 sq ft condo. Weird. Where were we putting it all?!

With more room in our rooms, that allowed us to view these rooms in a different manner and really take a look at how they are currently decorated.

The dining room is by far the emptiest of the rooms and the easiest to work in. After some discussion and some purussing through some Halloween literature, we came to the conclusion that our decorating style could be Halloween-like in some respect year round and still be everyday presentable.

With such an agreeable decision between us we decided on grey walls and keep our baseboard and crown molding white. 

The furniture will be repainted in all black to offset the look of the room and then the Paisley will add a few colour items to the room with a few things here and there. Look for some photos of the dining room furniture in the coming week or so with it's new look.