So it's a very weird thing happening to me lately. I have had all sorts of hits on my Facebook site from people that I haven't seen or heard from in years requesting to be on my friends list.
I don't mind this at all. Really. Not that I didn't remain in contact with any of these people for any good or bad reason. We just went our separate ways and got on with our lives.
Good friendships tend to be that way I think. If your friendships end on a sour note, then were you really good friends?
Look at me and my wife for example. We met and dated in highschool. Our relationship ended on an amicable note and we got on with our lives after highschool. Fast forward 12 years later. I had been going through a rather rough divorce and was really irritated one nite and my good friend and fellow piper, Don calls me up and says that he is out at the Tractor to see one of his favourite bands and suggest that I go down there and hang out and put my worries aside for the nite.
Begrudgingly I agree. So I lock up the place and head out to the Starbug to get her warmed up and prepare for the 11 mile trek into Ballard.
*Side note* for those of you wondering........I'm a huge Sci-Fi fan. Red Dwarf is one of my favourite shows and Starbug is the name of the transport that a good portion of the show takes place on. Now that that's out of the Starbug is a 1969 VW Beetle, painted in a very bright rattle can green and the entire body was pop-riveted to make it look like it was constructed of various panels much similar to an aircraft. Additionally there was the addition of a ram-air induction snorkel for the airfiltre housing and various other mods such as a 4 into 1 exhaust header and dual glasspacks, short shift kit with a reverse lock out and full get the general idea.
My long point is that my wife and I were able to basically pick up almost where we left off even though we hadn't seen each other in years.
There will be some cases where friends that haven't seen each other in years can't do that simply because their lives went in completely different directions and they have nothing to connect them but the past. As people we have friendships for the here and now.
There are other friends that no matter what, you always have that bond. I have one that I absolutely consider my best friend in life................we have been through bad and good and no matter what we do to liven up each others lives or piss each other off we are friends. Maybe not as close as we were, but it's still there. BJE you know who you are. The closest thing to a brother that I have and still glad to call you my friend. Just let me know that you're breathing once in a while.
So for the here and now I will enjoy those that I have reconnected with once again and those that are good enough to have met me in recent years and deem me a friend.
My advise to all of you out the same. Enjoy time with friends while you can since you never know when it will end.
God gave us the ability to choose friends to make up for the fact that we can't choose our family.