So this weekend was fortunate enough to have picked up some projector lamps w/city lights for my trusty E30.
They will be a vast improvement in lighting as the curved projector style lens (as the name suggest) allows better placement of the light pattern on the road from the halogen bulb over the standard incandescents that the car came with way back in 1987.
I got these wonderful new (to me) upgrades from another BMWCCA member in my area. Unfortunately he had to wreck his E30 for me to get them, but he was able to get better money from the insurance company than thought and make even more back selling the after market parts off of it. I'm happy to say that he has a newer used E36 M3 sedan. This thing is tighter than a nun!
Another thing that he was able to provide me with at no extra charge was the ever coveted Bentley manual for an E30.........these are the books that most dealership techs use. I have been wanting one and not gotten around to ordering one.
So hopefully it seems that at last my mechanical woes are behind me and I can get onto the fun part of why I wanted this car.......to get the body and paint back up to snuff and do some mild mods to it that appeal to me and take this feisty little German from mild to wild.
Can you say: E30's Gone Wild? Hehe............
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