So this year was almost a typical holiday with one exception. My dad and his girlfriend came to Seattle at the beginning of the month and took the wife and I to go and see Cheech and Chong on their national tour.
The opener for their show was Chong's wife Shelby who has been a stand up comic for at least 10 years. Haven't really heard of her before now, but she was funny. All her stuff revolved around her and Chong's life though. I guess a good comedian uses life experiences for material, but should have something else to work with.
*you'll have to excuse the photo...........we were in the very last row(nose-bleed section) and well the camera was practicing it's diving a few months ago. Oops. *
The evening started out at the 74th Street Ale House up on Greenwood Avenue. Excellent food and great selection of beers on tap. You won't find Budwiser or MGD on tap here. Thank the maker for that!!! You will find a fine selection of local microbrews and bitters from the U.K. where they are made right.
I'm a Guinness stout man myself, but when at the Alehouse I go for the Young Double Chocolate Stout. Again, I'm not your typical Yank. I've always been a bit of an anglophile so it's natural that I would think that all of the U.S. produced beers are shit.
Back to the evening at hand as it were................then off to Seattle and the Paramount Theatre for the show. Of course before hand we needed to stop of for Cappuccino's and dessert before heading to the show.
Apparently you cant take photos in the Paramount of the theatre itself, but you can take photos of the performance you're there to see. I have a bit of each thank you very much.
The show was good. I really can't give it a better rating. It was their same old material with a few updates for the current times. It was good to see them back together and touring again and getting along. Of course it was a typical Cheech and Chong show.........plenty of hippies and green to go around. It reminded me of the Pink Floyd Division Bell tour of 1994............B.C. Place Stadium with plenty of beer to go around and of course plenty of green to go around, which then flashed me to the Roger Waters tour in 2006 that I took my dad to. Same situation as above.
I guess after the show, some folks chose to hang around the side door of the theatre and wait. Well their persistance paid off. Those lucky folks got to go back stage and meet Cheech and Chong and have photos taken with them. It was all one on group meet and greets here. One of Paula's (dad's girlfriend) employees was there and waited to meet them.
This was by far in the top 10 of coolest holiday gifts received. One that I will always remember for a long time. I was able to get out and do something fun with my dad and Paula and my wife and that's what it was ultimately all about.
Happy Holidays.
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