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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A STIFF Book of Zombie Premiere!!!

Well folks, it's been a long time. Longer than it seems it has been and definately longer than it should have been.

How long has it been, you ask and for what?

The Book of Zombie!!! Yes you heard me, The Book of Zombie. It's a soon to be released indie zombie film that will eventually become a cult classic and allow me to make some money back as one of the executive producers and lead to me eventual employment in the film industry.*

OH. THAT Book of Zombie!

For a bit of history, my wife and I were asked in the very late winter/early spring of 2007 to work on an indie film a friend of ours was going to be shooting with some workmates. We agreed and filming started the first Friday of June 2007 and wrapped in October 2007.

I know it took a long time, but cut us some slack. We're working people and shooting was limited to Friday and Saturday evenings.

Beyond that there was two years of editing and pick up shots and other assorted post productions work. Then the is the shamless pimping of said film to various film festivals. The one that has picked it up this year for 2010 is Seattle True Independant Film Festival or STIFF for short.

The first showing is next Monday June 7th in the afternoon. Who goes to those? Most cast and crew will be at the Friday June 11th showing at 9:15pm.

If you find your self in Seattle, you can find tickets on line through Stranger Ticketing.

Come meet the cast and the production crew. If you're still not sure, then check out the website and then go on line and get your plane ticket and get out here to Seattle to see The Book of Zombie.

* seriously, if anyone is looking for production worker/actor then hit contact me and lets chat.

1 comment:

paisley penguin said...

Yes come and see it!