I will soon be posting to a new blog over on Wordpress. My new blog title is kiltedinkworks. This new blog will continue to hold my personal views on life in general, and will also focus on my shift from a travel/tourism employee to my new direction of tattoo artist and film maker.
Enjoy the blog!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Swedish Mafia
It's not what you think. I have not defected to Sweden. Although I would very much like to go there someday and see what I've been missing.
So back on track, back at the end of April the Paisley and I were on our way to work when she asks me "should that be coming from the front of the car?" pointing to the vaporous steam emanating from the grille.
"Uh no". "Shit".
As soon as the light was green I was out of there and made a beeline for the next street with no traffic and turned that car around and headed home with it. Good thing it was the morning commute and we were going against the traffic. I was breaking a few speed laws to keep that car as cool as possible.
We had known for a while now that the Subaru was on it's way out and just really wished we could have gotten more use out of it before this occurrence. We were literally expecting our federal tax return to be in our account the very next day so we could pay off this thing. FML.
Well we got it back and no issues, but man that thing smelled hot and it was sweating coolant from both heads much similar to the way booze sweats from a drunks pores. Not a pretty smell.
From there it was letting our offices know we wouldn't be in and then getting up to the credit union to secure a loan for a newer car. Done and done!! We were actually pretty well surprised with our credit scores (we knew they were good, but wow, they were better than we thought) and since we were only asking for a specific amount, we had instant approval.
Now the search was one. What would replace our now defunct green Sapporo can?
Stop groaning. I know all the acronyms. Shit I probably created a few myself.
Suckered Another American Buyer.
Sorry Ass Auto Builder
Anyway, back in my former life before being the Kilted Travel agent, I was a factory trained VW and SAAB parts dude. Hence my love for European autos.
Well the Paisley and I had gotten the Subaru home and walked to the park and ride and liberated our neighbours car and headed to our credit union to secure a car loan. About an hour later we were on our way out to head back home and begin the search for our next car.
We found several on line and narrowed them down to the ones we wanted to see and made calls and arrangements to see said SAABs or left messages.
Then Paisley ask me if I would consider one from a dealership.
It was a lovely clean car. I'd forgotten about the unique smell the leather of a SAAB has. It's very intoxicating! It was nice and soft as well for being 11 years old. This was a good looking car.
We spent the next 3-4 hours at the dealership driving and talking about the car and then deciding that this was the one for us.
When all was said and done we finally left the dealership about 4 pm with our new to us SAAB 9-5. That was April 21st.
The original and often imitated Swedish Mafia. |
Well from there, it got dicey. All was not well with the SAAB. Despite ownership papers, a CarFax report and the dealerships PDI (pre-delivery inspection) it was determined to trouble us for the next couple of months.
We didn't have the car 48 hours and had barely driven it 30 miles when there was a smell similar to illegal tyre burning and smoke. Back to the dealership. The new car manager was all over this with his questions of "did you buy the extended warranty" shit to which I replied that having worked for 2 local dealerships in the past that I knew how that scam worked. Those things are not worth the paper they are written on. After his test drive he had a Honda tech look at it whose opinion was that there was nothing major and we could drive the car. Probably just oil or another fluid dripping onto the exhaust. The new car manager suggested that if we were really concerned to bring it back Monday and talk to the used car manager.
Monday came and we were at the dealership. Car dropped off and we were given a loaner car. A Subaru of all things. Talk about adding insult to injury! Fucker. Anyway he promised us that he would have a separate shop that deals with European cars look at it and it would be completely taken care of. 2 days later I received a call that the engine was dead. The smell and the smoke was the contents of the oil pan being dumped into the exhaust.
85,000 miles. Really? 85 fucking thousand miles. SAAB builds a much better car than this. WTF?
The following Monday I received a call that an engine with 80,000 miles had been located in Arizona and was to be shipped up and installed. We wouldn't see the Swedish Mafia for anther week and a half.
May 13. We finally get to pick up the Swedish Mafia. We are told that there will probably be some residual oil in the exhaust to burn out, but to just drive it up and down the highway a bit to blow it out. Seriously, the shop should have done that! Lazy fucks.
All seems well until the next morning when I start it up and there is smoke out the ass! Now what!!!??? I remember what the shop said about the oil and blah blah blah. Ok so there are a few drives up and down the highway. No luck. Still continues to smoke at start up only for the next 2 weeks.
Meanwhile elsewhere under the hood, there is a coolant smell and on the dash the temperature gauge is reading to low. The later is a thermostat stuck open. The former could be anything. Loose hose. Leaking hose. Over flow cap is not pressurised. Leaking head gasket. You get the idea. I call the dealership right away and leave a message for the used car manager. No reply at all. Good thing I had also contacted the shop that did the work. They got back to me the next day.
Swedish Mafia was dropped off with the shop that Thursday and returned to me the following Tuesday. The thermostat was replaced (and paid for by the dealership) and the coolant smell was the freeze plugs on the side of the block. The dealership was unwilling to pay for that. The shop also informed me that the smoke on start up was due to bad valve guide seals. The dealership was also unwilling to pay for that as well. So much for "taking care of everything" like they said they would.
So now all is going well with the Swedish Mafia and we've had it back for a week and a half. We're out on a nice (finally) sunny Saturday having lunch with friends when Karen notices an odd noise. About the time I let my foot off the gas, that little Swedish Bastard is smoking more than the Smoking Man from X-Files. FUCK.
So on the way to take it home I call the dealership and knowing the used car manager is not working on a Saturday and leave him a message that the car is now smoking all the time and that if he can't make good on fixing it then it will go back to the dealership and we will buy elsewhere. I've had more than enough. At that point we've had the car almost 2 months and only been able to drive it barley 3 weeks. I"m pissed at this point.
Not more than 10 minutes later I actually get a call back from him. Seems he's actually at work on a Saturday. He assures me that even if the car needs a new engine he will take care of it and ask me to drop it off on Monday. So with that the SAAB is left with the dealership again. Next day I get a call that the turbo has gone out. Initially they were going to look at a rebuilt turbo, but opted against it and decided to get new one so that there wouldn't be any more issues. Smart move. If I had been told a used or rebuilt turbo had been put in I was seriously going to have a brain aneurysm.
So we have now to this date had our Swedish Mafia back for almost 3 weeks and so far all is well. I still love the car. Being a factory trained SAAB parts guy I have always liked the way they perform. I like that SAAB puts things on cars as factory equipment that other manufacturers would have as optional equipment. I love the way the inside of a SAAB smells. I know that is kind of fucked up, but no other car out there smells like one and the smell never fades. Swedish Mafia is 11 years old and still has that new SAAB smell.
I would even consider selling Jake for a SAAB 9-3.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Purging: It's not just for personal belongings anymore
Some of you that read this post or the Paisley's blog know that we have been taking on a minimalist twist to our home and our lives. We have made some noticeable headway in the amount of belongings we have in our home and in our on site storage. We both feel good about the progress made, but we still realise that there is still more work to do. It's not easy to just start eliminating things out of your life without some sort of mental trauma.
Yes I've certainly gone through the phases of "gee this *enter any non descript item here* has some emotional value to me and I'm not sure if I can part with it" dilemma in my head. The Paisley has been there with me as well. We've been on the opposite side of that factor as well with the "I'm really sick of just knowing that all that useless crap is taking up space in our storage and I"m taking it to donate know" angry no guilt purge.
Well I've been doing some other purging as well. I've been purging my Facebook friend's list. I know, how could I?
Well it's easy goddamn it!!! I know I'm not the model of cheerfulness and I am working on clearing the spaces in my head that have allowed negativity to take up residence and with that I have come to realise that I have some friends in my life that are really not good for me mentally. Not that these people are bad by any means. They have been in my life for a reason and I have appreciated and enjoyed their friendships for the most part.
Now onto the bad. I did have one person in particular that I eliminated after further consideration of our "friendship". I came to realise that this person is a user. I will call this person H for the purpose of anonymity.
I met H in 1983. *Fuck I'm old* We seemed to hit it off and had common interest. Over the years we would have lunches or go to movies or school events. We had common friends that we would do things with. The only problem I had with H was the type A personality. H was definitely the Alpha Dog.
Yes it's hard to believe that I was not always the cynical and verbally opinionated bastard I am now. I was very introverted and in my own world. I did not like to go outside my comfort zones. Look at me now!!!
Back to the purging!! H had a way of manipulating people and getting what H wanted even if someone got hurt (mentally) in the process. I stood by and watched H emotionally manipulate another person into an intimate relationship that the other party just didn't want. It took me 6 years to realise just how hurtful H really was. My experience was the discovery of items stolen from my car in H's house and confronting H about them.
H denied everything of course. What H didn't know was that I would mark my belongings with a specific design that wasn't my name. Why? Well duh, if you put your name on something then that will make the thief file it off or erase it somehow. If it looks like a cool design, then you can pretty much guarantee that it will still be on there if found thereby making the item(s) easily identifiable. The designs were still there. Then there was lying about how H had obtained said items and where and when. H had quite the little web of cover up going on. That was the last time I saw or spoke to H.
Moving forward to 2010 and H pops up on my FB page requesting to be my friend. Ugh really? Well I decided that I could give it a try and see how it goes. It had been 21 years and H had to have grown up and was surely not the person that I had walked away from. Wow was I ever wrong. This time it's lies about H's life and all the drama associated with it.
In the last few months I've been getting repeated phone and FB messages: My SO has kicked me out. My SO is holding my dog hostage. I'm living in my truck and need a safe place. Can I borrow some money and your laptop?
It goes on. There are the stories about what H has been doing for the last 21 years that just don't add up. There is the growing list of friends that are coming to same conclusion I have about H.
It's not just about the lying and the made up stories. It's also about the lack of respect for my property. H had come to my house with their dog a couple of times and the dog just flat out peed on my hardwood floors and H did nothing to stop it, nothing to correct the dog after the fact and nothing to clean up after the dog!!!
H may need help, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not professionally qualified to provide the kind of help that H requires and with that I have eliminated H from my life. FB, phone number, email.Fortunately H does not remember where I live.
Then I started thinking about how many people are on my FB friends list and really looking at what kind of person that individual really is.
Like everyone I want to be the best person I can without compromising who I am for a facade of someone that I'm not. After all I'm pretty sure that I can still be my opinionated cynical self and be someone that is healthy to be around while continuing to be a complete bastard. It's possible.
I'm grateful for the people that I've met in the last few years IRL and virtually that have brought an aura of positive vibes to my life. I believe it's wearing off on me. I'm grateful for the people that I didn't know so well 20+ years ago that I've reconnected with that have brought all sorts of positive goodness to my life as well.
Belongings and friends: if they haven't been seen and utilised in the past year or more and it's not healthy for you, then it's probably time for them to go.
*Please note that the above rule is not applicable in every situation. Use your best judgment and common sense when purging belongings and unhealthy relationships*
Yes of course I have been the victem of a purging by more than one person. To quote Happy Harry Hardon: So Be It!!! I realise that as friendship develope and grow sometimes that means they grow apart. Don't be offended. It's not personal. Really it's not. As an example, I received a phone call 2 weeks ago from my oldest friend in life that I have not spoken to in 6 years. Guess what? I had deleted him from my life a few years ago. Sure it was hard at first. He was one of the first people I had purged. Not that I didn't care about him, but our lives grew apart. We didn't have anything in common anymore. Realistically his not ever contacting me may be his method of purging now that I think about it, I just hadn't caught on.
Or he could just be a self involved fuck that only thinks of himself.
I say that becuase when he called he had told me that he was only doing so becuase his just-a-biscuit-over-21 girlfriend thought that he should contact his longest known friend after questioning him one evening about his past and friends and how long he had known them all. I don't need a pitty call from him Anorexic Annie!!
I get to call her that becuase I know my friend and I know the type of trophy girl he likes.
Where was I? Purging..............so I continue to purge my physical belongings and my emotional space. Sometimes they do go hand in hand. I believe that having less emotional attachment to things that I receive now and in the future will mean easier purging when it's required.
What have you purged lately?
Yes I've certainly gone through the phases of "gee this *enter any non descript item here* has some emotional value to me and I'm not sure if I can part with it" dilemma in my head. The Paisley has been there with me as well. We've been on the opposite side of that factor as well with the "I'm really sick of just knowing that all that useless crap is taking up space in our storage and I"m taking it to donate know" angry no guilt purge.
Well I've been doing some other purging as well. I've been purging my Facebook friend's list. I know, how could I?
Well it's easy goddamn it!!! I know I'm not the model of cheerfulness and I am working on clearing the spaces in my head that have allowed negativity to take up residence and with that I have come to realise that I have some friends in my life that are really not good for me mentally. Not that these people are bad by any means. They have been in my life for a reason and I have appreciated and enjoyed their friendships for the most part.
Now onto the bad. I did have one person in particular that I eliminated after further consideration of our "friendship". I came to realise that this person is a user. I will call this person H for the purpose of anonymity.
I met H in 1983. *Fuck I'm old* We seemed to hit it off and had common interest. Over the years we would have lunches or go to movies or school events. We had common friends that we would do things with. The only problem I had with H was the type A personality. H was definitely the Alpha Dog.
Yes it's hard to believe that I was not always the cynical and verbally opinionated bastard I am now. I was very introverted and in my own world. I did not like to go outside my comfort zones. Look at me now!!!
Back to the purging!! H had a way of manipulating people and getting what H wanted even if someone got hurt (mentally) in the process. I stood by and watched H emotionally manipulate another person into an intimate relationship that the other party just didn't want. It took me 6 years to realise just how hurtful H really was. My experience was the discovery of items stolen from my car in H's house and confronting H about them.
H denied everything of course. What H didn't know was that I would mark my belongings with a specific design that wasn't my name. Why? Well duh, if you put your name on something then that will make the thief file it off or erase it somehow. If it looks like a cool design, then you can pretty much guarantee that it will still be on there if found thereby making the item(s) easily identifiable. The designs were still there. Then there was lying about how H had obtained said items and where and when. H had quite the little web of cover up going on. That was the last time I saw or spoke to H.
Moving forward to 2010 and H pops up on my FB page requesting to be my friend. Ugh really? Well I decided that I could give it a try and see how it goes. It had been 21 years and H had to have grown up and was surely not the person that I had walked away from. Wow was I ever wrong. This time it's lies about H's life and all the drama associated with it.
In the last few months I've been getting repeated phone and FB messages: My SO has kicked me out. My SO is holding my dog hostage. I'm living in my truck and need a safe place. Can I borrow some money and your laptop?
It goes on. There are the stories about what H has been doing for the last 21 years that just don't add up. There is the growing list of friends that are coming to same conclusion I have about H.
It's not just about the lying and the made up stories. It's also about the lack of respect for my property. H had come to my house with their dog a couple of times and the dog just flat out peed on my hardwood floors and H did nothing to stop it, nothing to correct the dog after the fact and nothing to clean up after the dog!!!
H may need help, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not professionally qualified to provide the kind of help that H requires and with that I have eliminated H from my life. FB, phone number, email.Fortunately H does not remember where I live.
Then I started thinking about how many people are on my FB friends list and really looking at what kind of person that individual really is.
Like everyone I want to be the best person I can without compromising who I am for a facade of someone that I'm not. After all I'm pretty sure that I can still be my opinionated cynical self and be someone that is healthy to be around while continuing to be a complete bastard. It's possible.
I'm grateful for the people that I've met in the last few years IRL and virtually that have brought an aura of positive vibes to my life. I believe it's wearing off on me. I'm grateful for the people that I didn't know so well 20+ years ago that I've reconnected with that have brought all sorts of positive goodness to my life as well.
Belongings and friends: if they haven't been seen and utilised in the past year or more and it's not healthy for you, then it's probably time for them to go.
*Please note that the above rule is not applicable in every situation. Use your best judgment and common sense when purging belongings and unhealthy relationships*
Yes of course I have been the victem of a purging by more than one person. To quote Happy Harry Hardon: So Be It!!! I realise that as friendship develope and grow sometimes that means they grow apart. Don't be offended. It's not personal. Really it's not. As an example, I received a phone call 2 weeks ago from my oldest friend in life that I have not spoken to in 6 years. Guess what? I had deleted him from my life a few years ago. Sure it was hard at first. He was one of the first people I had purged. Not that I didn't care about him, but our lives grew apart. We didn't have anything in common anymore. Realistically his not ever contacting me may be his method of purging now that I think about it, I just hadn't caught on.
Or he could just be a self involved fuck that only thinks of himself.
I say that becuase when he called he had told me that he was only doing so becuase his just-a-biscuit-over-21 girlfriend thought that he should contact his longest known friend after questioning him one evening about his past and friends and how long he had known them all. I don't need a pitty call from him Anorexic Annie!!
I get to call her that becuase I know my friend and I know the type of trophy girl he likes.
Where was I? Purging..............so I continue to purge my physical belongings and my emotional space. Sometimes they do go hand in hand. I believe that having less emotional attachment to things that I receive now and in the future will mean easier purging when it's required.
What have you purged lately?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I really hate that question.
First of all, how many of you knew the answer to that question when you were a kid?
Now how many of you actually do for a living what you wanted to do as a kid?
Not me.
There was no college course on how to be Han Solo or Bruce Lee.
After all I don't know of anyone that has said "I knew I wanted to be in porn since my first sexual encounter" or "I think I'd like to manually masturbate horses for an artificial insemination breeding program".
*side note: I have thought of using my overly active and pervy imagination to write some erotica, cuz lets just face it, you really don't want to see me IN a film.*
Yes dear readers, just 2 examples of real jobs out there.
I had a friend that wanted to be a gynecologist simply because he thought it was a glorified pussy inspector. I can see it then and I can see it now: "Yep looks good *sniff sniff* "smells right" "NEXT!!"
That didn't pan out for him so well. He was a bum for the better part of 6-7 years and then worked fast food quickly becoming a manager and then turned to bouncing at a bar while working as a temp contractor for a large computer software company in Washington state.
I actually had a 6th grade teacher tell me that I would never be anything more than a ditch digger. He thought I was stupid because math was my kryptonite. He didn't think ADD and OCD were real mental issues and made sure I was made an example of on a daily basis.
Well I showed him and researched exactly what a ditch digger makes and rubbed his face in like a like it was a pair of oil covered stripper tits. I showed him!! After all, you need a CDL to drive the big rig that hauls the backhoe that digs the ditch. Top notch CDL drivers can make some decent money.
He wasn't going to take that sitting down. He then told me that I wouldn't do anything more than pump gas for the rest of my life. Shot down. I really hated that fucker. Now I can look upon my life and give him the finger wherever he is and tell him "FUCK YOU" you loser. I don't have it bad, but I don't have it good either. I can also say that I didn't have to marry wealthy and ask my rich wife to buy my Porsche. Douche. *no bitterness here*
Those of you who read me (I think I have 5 followers) have read my rants and know that while I believe in what I do, I really don't want to be doing it for who I do it for.
Flash back 4 years now to a time where I volunteered on a small independent film called The Book of Zombie and it was at that time I finally knew what I wanted to do!!! It was in front of me the whole time!!! I want to make films!! I really don't care if it's for a big budget studio or not. I just want to make films.
You have to understand that I'm a movie whore/nerd first and foremost. This makes sense and in the next 2 years I will be going back to school again for a communications degree with a media focus. That is part 2 however.
Part 1 is as follows: Apprentice in a tat shop for the next 2 years and ink people while going to school. Seems easy enough, yeah.
Now more recently I have been investing in tattoo guns and power sources, inks, needles and any other supply that will get me inking some people. That is just the tip though. Since my initial investment I have successfully tattooed or done tattoo touch up work on about 5 people.
I took a huge leap this past weekend and made an appointment at a local tattoo shop to talk to an artist about an internship.
I know yeah!! How fucking exciting is that?! I'm super excited since I have always liked tattoos and I like getting them. I look beyond and see the history and the ceremonial reasons for body art. Most of all I finally for the first time in my life see that I can take something I love and make it a career without worrying about financial aid or grades. I can do this anywhere in the world. I can do it from home or a shop. I can travel to exotic locales and learn from a traditional tattooist. I can do exactly what I'm going to do and learn from a well known artist from an established shop. I can even purchase a how to DVD from an on line supplier and learn at home.
It's not an Ivy League school or some prestigious specialised school like Julliard or Cornish, but it's not for everyone. You have what it takes or you don't.
So now when someone asks me what I want to do when I grow up at least I now have an answer: to ink the planet.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
First of all, how many of you knew the answer to that question when you were a kid?
Now how many of you actually do for a living what you wanted to do as a kid?
Not me.
There was no college course on how to be Han Solo or Bruce Lee.
After all I don't know of anyone that has said "I knew I wanted to be in porn since my first sexual encounter" or "I think I'd like to manually masturbate horses for an artificial insemination breeding program".
*side note: I have thought of using my overly active and pervy imagination to write some erotica, cuz lets just face it, you really don't want to see me IN a film.*
Yes dear readers, just 2 examples of real jobs out there.
I had a friend that wanted to be a gynecologist simply because he thought it was a glorified pussy inspector. I can see it then and I can see it now: "Yep looks good *sniff sniff* "smells right" "NEXT!!"
That didn't pan out for him so well. He was a bum for the better part of 6-7 years and then worked fast food quickly becoming a manager and then turned to bouncing at a bar while working as a temp contractor for a large computer software company in Washington state.
I actually had a 6th grade teacher tell me that I would never be anything more than a ditch digger. He thought I was stupid because math was my kryptonite. He didn't think ADD and OCD were real mental issues and made sure I was made an example of on a daily basis.
Well I showed him and researched exactly what a ditch digger makes and rubbed his face in like a like it was a pair of oil covered stripper tits. I showed him!! After all, you need a CDL to drive the big rig that hauls the backhoe that digs the ditch. Top notch CDL drivers can make some decent money.
He wasn't going to take that sitting down. He then told me that I wouldn't do anything more than pump gas for the rest of my life. Shot down. I really hated that fucker. Now I can look upon my life and give him the finger wherever he is and tell him "FUCK YOU" you loser. I don't have it bad, but I don't have it good either. I can also say that I didn't have to marry wealthy and ask my rich wife to buy my Porsche. Douche. *no bitterness here*
Those of you who read me (I think I have 5 followers) have read my rants and know that while I believe in what I do, I really don't want to be doing it for who I do it for.
Flash back 4 years now to a time where I volunteered on a small independent film called The Book of Zombie and it was at that time I finally knew what I wanted to do!!! It was in front of me the whole time!!! I want to make films!! I really don't care if it's for a big budget studio or not. I just want to make films.
You have to understand that I'm a movie whore/nerd first and foremost. This makes sense and in the next 2 years I will be going back to school again for a communications degree with a media focus. That is part 2 however.
Part 1 is as follows: Apprentice in a tat shop for the next 2 years and ink people while going to school. Seems easy enough, yeah.
Now more recently I have been investing in tattoo guns and power sources, inks, needles and any other supply that will get me inking some people. That is just the tip though. Since my initial investment I have successfully tattooed or done tattoo touch up work on about 5 people.
I took a huge leap this past weekend and made an appointment at a local tattoo shop to talk to an artist about an internship.
I know yeah!! How fucking exciting is that?! I'm super excited since I have always liked tattoos and I like getting them. I look beyond and see the history and the ceremonial reasons for body art. Most of all I finally for the first time in my life see that I can take something I love and make it a career without worrying about financial aid or grades. I can do this anywhere in the world. I can do it from home or a shop. I can travel to exotic locales and learn from a traditional tattooist. I can do exactly what I'm going to do and learn from a well known artist from an established shop. I can even purchase a how to DVD from an on line supplier and learn at home.
It's not an Ivy League school or some prestigious specialised school like Julliard or Cornish, but it's not for everyone. You have what it takes or you don't.
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My first one ever. We were both virgins: he'd never had one and I'd never inked anyone. I had my gear about a week. (it looks like shit, but don't judge) |
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Inking myself. After all, every good inker has practised on him/herself. |
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My 2nd victi......er I mean client. |
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Some touch-up work on another friend. This is on his calve. I've also done some touch-up on his neck. |
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A shift in life
I was a little MIA last week for the few that read me.
I've had some recent revelations in my life and one was that I really no longer enjoy my current job.
That's really all it is right now. A job.
I really do like what I do. I just no longer enjoy the company.
I handle communication to 15 vessels (currently) regarding guests with ADA/disability needs.
In case you haven't been to the Department of Justice sight for ADA, it's not an easy thing. There's a lot to know. It's more than just coding and manifesting intake forms into a spreadsheet and manifesting the ships. There is a lot (no exaggeration) to know when it comes to the ADA and what will make you look like the law abiding company and what will have your ass in a lawsuit faster than Lindsey Lohan can check into rehab to avoid jail again.
Beyond the DOJ website, there is also the Department of Transportation which has their own set of rules as to how the ADA applies to cruise passenger vessels.
With that in mind, I've been feeling underpaid and under appreciated after 9 years. After all, the other part of my job is to put out the fires when another department makes promises regarding said ADA applicability to my vessels when that information is wrong.
Another part of my job is even more unpleasant and I had to do that part of my job today.
I made someone scream and cry and feel helpless. I had to tell someone that their comfort therapy dog was not allowed on board the cruise they were scheduled to take in 15 days because it no longer meets the definition of a service animal according to the newly enhanced definition of a service animal recently released by the DOJ.
It's work not personal, yeah? Then why did I feel like a steamy pile? I didn't make these rules, but I have to enforce them on my vessels.
With that sitting on my conscious, I started reviewing my life and my job last year and the decision is to go back to school again and do what makes me happy.
So what is that? I've narrowed it down to just two things: tattoos and movies.
I've just recently invested in some equipment and and have started tattooing. I've done 3 in the last week and a half. It will be awhile before I'm making any money doing this, but I figure that with my determination I should be starting to make some fair income from this in about 6-8 months.
Now for the movie portion. As many of my readers know, the Paisley and I worked on a local indie film almost 4 years ago. It was a great experience and a natural thing for us as movie geeks. So with that we have been paying off our debts and will continue to do so and in approximately two years or less we'll have everything paid off, except the house and be enrolled in school.
Of course a communication degree doesn't mean a job in the media industry, but I'm not looking (or expecting) to be working on big budget films right away. I would actually be just as happy on an indie film or something equivalent.
So if my posts seem far and few, just know that I"m not purposely ignoring it, I'm just burning the candle at both ends.
I've had some recent revelations in my life and one was that I really no longer enjoy my current job.
That's really all it is right now. A job.
I really do like what I do. I just no longer enjoy the company.
I handle communication to 15 vessels (currently) regarding guests with ADA/disability needs.
In case you haven't been to the Department of Justice sight for ADA, it's not an easy thing. There's a lot to know. It's more than just coding and manifesting intake forms into a spreadsheet and manifesting the ships. There is a lot (no exaggeration) to know when it comes to the ADA and what will make you look like the law abiding company and what will have your ass in a lawsuit faster than Lindsey Lohan can check into rehab to avoid jail again.
Beyond the DOJ website, there is also the Department of Transportation which has their own set of rules as to how the ADA applies to cruise passenger vessels.
With that in mind, I've been feeling underpaid and under appreciated after 9 years. After all, the other part of my job is to put out the fires when another department makes promises regarding said ADA applicability to my vessels when that information is wrong.
Another part of my job is even more unpleasant and I had to do that part of my job today.
I made someone scream and cry and feel helpless. I had to tell someone that their comfort therapy dog was not allowed on board the cruise they were scheduled to take in 15 days because it no longer meets the definition of a service animal according to the newly enhanced definition of a service animal recently released by the DOJ.
It's work not personal, yeah? Then why did I feel like a steamy pile? I didn't make these rules, but I have to enforce them on my vessels.
With that sitting on my conscious, I started reviewing my life and my job last year and the decision is to go back to school again and do what makes me happy.
So what is that? I've narrowed it down to just two things: tattoos and movies.
I've just recently invested in some equipment and and have started tattooing. I've done 3 in the last week and a half. It will be awhile before I'm making any money doing this, but I figure that with my determination I should be starting to make some fair income from this in about 6-8 months.
Now for the movie portion. As many of my readers know, the Paisley and I worked on a local indie film almost 4 years ago. It was a great experience and a natural thing for us as movie geeks. So with that we have been paying off our debts and will continue to do so and in approximately two years or less we'll have everything paid off, except the house and be enrolled in school.
Of course a communication degree doesn't mean a job in the media industry, but I'm not looking (or expecting) to be working on big budget films right away. I would actually be just as happy on an indie film or something equivalent.
So if my posts seem far and few, just know that I"m not purposely ignoring it, I'm just burning the candle at both ends.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Foto Friday: Fetish Friday!!!
Last weekend the Paisley and I attended an anti Valentines party. It was very small which leads me to believe that more people believe in Valentines day than I was lead to believe.
During the course of the evening a cougar was drinking and getting friendlier with everyone. Yes, I can now say that I have been the victim of a cougar pounce.
My friend G found this mildly amusing and thought that I needed this:
During the course of the evening a cougar was drinking and getting friendlier with everyone. Yes, I can now say that I have been the victim of a cougar pounce.
My friend G found this mildly amusing and thought that I needed this:
Courarism is a fetish after all!!
Enjoy and happy Foto Friday to all and remember to do something naughty with someone you love, or at least lust.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Word Wednesday
Time for another edition of Word Wednesday.
This week I thought I'd actually get my act together and actually prepare this eve of Word Wednesday so as to actually get it out on time.
I know I've been a bit naughty about getting things out on time. I need a spanking.
OK then back to the word!!!
I've always liked the word POSH. Not it's not a Spice Girls things. Although I must admit as an Anglophile, I love their accents.
It's a versatile word as the below uses and definitions will show.
elegant or stylishly luxurious:
a posh Munich hotel chiefly British typical of or belonging to the upper class of society:
she had a posh accent
in an upper-class way:
trying to talk posh
the quality or state of being elegant, stylish, or upper-class:
we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh
This is perhaps my favourite part: the origin.
There is no evidence to support this, but it is widely reputed to have originated as an acronym for the phrase Port Out, Starboard Home. This was in reference to ships that would sail between England and India. More specifically in regards to accommodations. The preferred staterooms going to India were the ones on the port side of the ship and on the return the starboard side. The reason was that if you switched staterooms like that, you would be able to see land on your entire voyage, hence port out, starboard home, or more simply: POSH.
As someone that works in the cruise industry I love words that have (or supposedly have) a nautical theme behind them.
Enjoy this weeks word!!
This week I thought I'd actually get my act together and actually prepare this eve of Word Wednesday so as to actually get it out on time.
I know I've been a bit naughty about getting things out on time. I need a spanking.
OK then back to the word!!!
I've always liked the word POSH. Not it's not a Spice Girls things. Although I must admit as an Anglophile, I love their accents.
It's a versatile word as the below uses and definitions will show.
elegant or stylishly luxurious:
a posh Munich hotel chiefly British typical of or belonging to the upper class of society:
she had a posh accent
in an upper-class way:
trying to talk posh
the quality or state of being elegant, stylish, or upper-class:
we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh
This is perhaps my favourite part: the origin.
There is no evidence to support this, but it is widely reputed to have originated as an acronym for the phrase Port Out, Starboard Home. This was in reference to ships that would sail between England and India. More specifically in regards to accommodations. The preferred staterooms going to India were the ones on the port side of the ship and on the return the starboard side. The reason was that if you switched staterooms like that, you would be able to see land on your entire voyage, hence port out, starboard home, or more simply: POSH.
As someone that works in the cruise industry I love words that have (or supposedly have) a nautical theme behind them.
Enjoy this weeks word!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Measuring your friends: part II
So last week I told you the story of a friend former friend that pretty much acted like a child and unfriened me on FB. BOO HOO.
Am I sad? No!
Should I be? Why should I? He's a big fucking child! You don't do that to people. It's just bad form.
So the Paisley and I went to an anti-Valentine's day party on Saturday and our friend G was there. I decided to ask G if he knew why C had a problem with him. Well as I suspected, C didn't get to the centre of attention at some point on G's FB page and unfriended him and now thinks that G is rude.
Digging even deeper, G had posted something almost 2 years ago on FB and at some point C had made a negative comment to another commenter. That individual was offended by C's comment and G had sent C a PM to ask him to not make hurtful comments on his page to others and that he would be deleting C's comment.
C was not able to comprehend that this was an adult request and took offense. He lashed out at G verbally and lashed out on FB at the other commenter.
C is my age and he's acting no older than my 5 year old nephew!!
The best part was that when I saw C two weeks ago and was speaking to him, he could/would not look at me when I spoke to him and he would not respond to me. I might as well have been having a conversation with the dog. Dogs at least look at you and cock their heads when you speak to them if you use just the right tone.
Look, I understand that when a person has a lot of friends that not all their friends are not going to get along. I expect that. It's inevitable. What I can't wrap my mind around is how C has gotten this far in life without gaining the understanding of comprehension and manners and their correlation to each other.
I know enough people that honestly if C wants to act like this then I'm better off without having him as a friend. I'm in a good place where I have positive changes happening in my life for a change and I'm forming positive bonds with people IRL and virtually and I'm so grateful for these people.
So there's the follow up and this is now officially a black card topic. Cherish old friends and look forward to the new ones and forget the ones that show they aren't really your friends. They will only drag you down.
Am I sad? No!
Should I be? Why should I? He's a big fucking child! You don't do that to people. It's just bad form.
So the Paisley and I went to an anti-Valentine's day party on Saturday and our friend G was there. I decided to ask G if he knew why C had a problem with him. Well as I suspected, C didn't get to the centre of attention at some point on G's FB page and unfriended him and now thinks that G is rude.
Digging even deeper, G had posted something almost 2 years ago on FB and at some point C had made a negative comment to another commenter. That individual was offended by C's comment and G had sent C a PM to ask him to not make hurtful comments on his page to others and that he would be deleting C's comment.
C was not able to comprehend that this was an adult request and took offense. He lashed out at G verbally and lashed out on FB at the other commenter.
C is my age and he's acting no older than my 5 year old nephew!!
The best part was that when I saw C two weeks ago and was speaking to him, he could/would not look at me when I spoke to him and he would not respond to me. I might as well have been having a conversation with the dog. Dogs at least look at you and cock their heads when you speak to them if you use just the right tone.
Look, I understand that when a person has a lot of friends that not all their friends are not going to get along. I expect that. It's inevitable. What I can't wrap my mind around is how C has gotten this far in life without gaining the understanding of comprehension and manners and their correlation to each other.
I know enough people that honestly if C wants to act like this then I'm better off without having him as a friend. I'm in a good place where I have positive changes happening in my life for a change and I'm forming positive bonds with people IRL and virtually and I'm so grateful for these people.
So there's the follow up and this is now officially a black card topic. Cherish old friends and look forward to the new ones and forget the ones that show they aren't really your friends. They will only drag you down.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Measuring your friends
Everyone has at least one friend.
If someone tells you that they don't have any friends, well they're full of shit.
I have IRL friends and I have social networking friends.
My IRL friends I have known since I was a child and some I met later on in life through work or social gatherings.
I have, or had I should now say, a friend that I had met through a local steampunk group that I associate with. C is not a member, but his wife is and sometimes he attends events that we hold.
I got to know C shortly after meeting this group and going to events. He's actually a nice enough guy and I honestly like him. He has never wronged me and he has always been a generous host when I've been to his home. I've provided him with rides when he has needed one.
My one problem with C is that he doesn't like that I am friends with G who is also in the steampunk group.
No shit, yeah. I mean how old are we?
Not that C doesn't want me to be friends with anyone else because of something weird or anything like that. C just doesn't like G and and when C is privy to the fact that I've been hanging out with G he always has some kind of derogatory comment to make about that fact that I have been.
Periodically C will clear the "friends" list of his FB page of people to "weed out" those that he thinks are not worthy enough to be his friend. One of those times he posted on FB that he "decided to keep one person that he liked even though he is a friend of G".
3 guesses as to who that was, but you'll only need one.
CORRECT! Little ole me!!
I actually found that offensive. Who is he to judge who I am friends with? What the fuck gives him the right to tell me that I should or should not be friendly with someone based on his like or dislike without any reason provided as to what wrong G may or may not have committed against him? He's a goddamned child!!
Getting on with my point, I was going to send C a message about some iPhone information that I wanted and yet when I tried to send him one through FB I have discovered that I'm no longer his friend. BOO HOO!!
I'll be at G's house this evening for his annual steampunk anti-valentine's day party. I guess this is the evening I find out what all the animosity is about between the two of them.
Well maybe. I might ask and I might not. Maybe I will just leave things as they are. After all G has never once badmouthed C and he has never made derogatory statements to me about the fact that I am friends with C.
I don't know about you, but I would have to say that G is and has always been the better friend. Not that I've questioned it. G doesn't spread drama and C does.
Honestly I'm fine knowing that C has done nothing more than have the equivalent of a temper tantrum. He has shown who he is and that I'm really better not having him in my life.
I don't fucking play games and I don't get baited into other peoples games.
Take heed, if you have an issue with me, then talk to me about it. If you have some sort of weird jealousy with me associating with someone that you don't like, get over it. Not everyone's friends will like each other and get along and I sure as hell don't expect anyone to put me in the middle.
If someone tells you that they don't have any friends, well they're full of shit.
I have IRL friends and I have social networking friends.
My IRL friends I have known since I was a child and some I met later on in life through work or social gatherings.
I have, or had I should now say, a friend that I had met through a local steampunk group that I associate with. C is not a member, but his wife is and sometimes he attends events that we hold.
I got to know C shortly after meeting this group and going to events. He's actually a nice enough guy and I honestly like him. He has never wronged me and he has always been a generous host when I've been to his home. I've provided him with rides when he has needed one.
My one problem with C is that he doesn't like that I am friends with G who is also in the steampunk group.
No shit, yeah. I mean how old are we?
Not that C doesn't want me to be friends with anyone else because of something weird or anything like that. C just doesn't like G and and when C is privy to the fact that I've been hanging out with G he always has some kind of derogatory comment to make about that fact that I have been.
Periodically C will clear the "friends" list of his FB page of people to "weed out" those that he thinks are not worthy enough to be his friend. One of those times he posted on FB that he "decided to keep one person that he liked even though he is a friend of G".
3 guesses as to who that was, but you'll only need one.
CORRECT! Little ole me!!
I actually found that offensive. Who is he to judge who I am friends with? What the fuck gives him the right to tell me that I should or should not be friendly with someone based on his like or dislike without any reason provided as to what wrong G may or may not have committed against him? He's a goddamned child!!
Getting on with my point, I was going to send C a message about some iPhone information that I wanted and yet when I tried to send him one through FB I have discovered that I'm no longer his friend. BOO HOO!!
I'll be at G's house this evening for his annual steampunk anti-valentine's day party. I guess this is the evening I find out what all the animosity is about between the two of them.
Well maybe. I might ask and I might not. Maybe I will just leave things as they are. After all G has never once badmouthed C and he has never made derogatory statements to me about the fact that I am friends with C.
I don't know about you, but I would have to say that G is and has always been the better friend. Not that I've questioned it. G doesn't spread drama and C does.
Honestly I'm fine knowing that C has done nothing more than have the equivalent of a temper tantrum. He has shown who he is and that I'm really better not having him in my life.
I don't fucking play games and I don't get baited into other peoples games.
Take heed, if you have an issue with me, then talk to me about it. If you have some sort of weird jealousy with me associating with someone that you don't like, get over it. Not everyone's friends will like each other and get along and I sure as hell don't expect anyone to put me in the middle.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Foto Friday: Family Life
Well it's technically still Friday in my little time zone here on the 3rd rock from the Sun.
Today's photos are all about family and some of the more fun pics I've taken and images that remind me how wonderful my family is.
Today's photos are all about family and some of the more fun pics I've taken and images that remind me how wonderful my family is.
Karen and Bon Jovi playing games at the park. |
Alex in a chimney climb at one of the local rock climbing clubs |
Galea-aponeurotica. She was named after a tendon while I was in massage school. |
Bon Jovi. He was our rescue from Puerto Rico. |
Connor in a vertical climb at the rock climbing club |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Word Wednesday
So I kind of thought that it would be fun (and even a little educational) to start something new.
Word Wednesday.
No I'm not talking about "word" as in the newly adapted street slang of the word or even the Micro-Shaft document program.
I'm talking of course about language.
So I thought it would be fun to introduce everyone to a new word every week. After all it's kind of fun to learn something new and we should all strive to expand our vocabulary. The English language is literally the most difficult language to master (or so I had read once) because the same word can have so many different uses which makes it take on a different meaning.
So without any further waiting I present to you the first Word Wednesday's word:
–noun, plural -vi·a
, -vi·ums.
a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, especially one that is disagreeable or noxious.
1640–50; < Latin, equivalent to ef- ef- + fluv-, base of fluere to flow ( see effluent) + -ium -ium
ef·flu·vi·al, adjective
I must give credit where it's due.
First of all to dictionary.com for the definition of course.
I also need to give thanks to author O.M. Grey for posting this word last week on her twitter feed and asking followers to use it in a sentence.
I have to admit that I thought it was fun. I know........word nerd alert.
Shut it now!!!
Believe it or not I'm quite a stickler for spelling, punctuation and proper word usage. Weird since I was not a stand out English student all through school.
So have fun, learn a word a week and use it in casual conversation.
Word Wednesday.
No I'm not talking about "word" as in the newly adapted street slang of the word or even the Micro-Shaft document program.
I'm talking of course about language.
So I thought it would be fun to introduce everyone to a new word every week. After all it's kind of fun to learn something new and we should all strive to expand our vocabulary. The English language is literally the most difficult language to master (or so I had read once) because the same word can have so many different uses which makes it take on a different meaning.
So without any further waiting I present to you the first Word Wednesday's word:
–noun, plural -vi·a
, -vi·ums.
a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, especially one that is disagreeable or noxious.
1640–50; < Latin, equivalent to ef- ef- + fluv-, base of fluere to flow ( see effluent) + -ium -ium
ef·flu·vi·al, adjective
I must give credit where it's due.
First of all to dictionary.com for the definition of course.
I also need to give thanks to author O.M. Grey for posting this word last week on her twitter feed and asking followers to use it in a sentence.
I have to admit that I thought it was fun. I know........word nerd alert.
Shut it now!!!
Believe it or not I'm quite a stickler for spelling, punctuation and proper word usage. Weird since I was not a stand out English student all through school.
So have fun, learn a word a week and use it in casual conversation.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Foto Friday: Studebakers!!
Studebakers are definately underappreciated, but lovely cars none the less. Here are a few I have shot.
This is actually my FIL's Studebaker. 1963 Studebaker Avanti. This is the first year the Avanti was built and the only year under the Studebaker moniker. This is my favourite: The Commander |
The bullet curve of the nose and the smiley mouth grille almost look cartoonish. Very aerodynamic for its time. The Hawk Gran Turismo. |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Aviator
So while the Pais was on line over the weekend a friend had sent her a link to a chair at Restoration Hardaware simply called Aviator.
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Constructed of polished aluminum and whiskey aged leather. |
Everything curves back into a V formation. I love the look of this chair. I'm not a fan of modern furnishings at all. I grew up in a house with a plain old white couch and two brown recliners. The walls were institutional white and there was fringed shag room rug. I get the willies just writing about it. Someone get me a martini please. I need to drown that thought. Even though it doesn't fit with a steampunk themed styling, another piece of furniture that I would love to have, and just might one day when I have my man cave, is a coffin couch from Coffin Couches. |
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Yes these couches are made from actual mortuary caskets. |
The detail on these couches are amazing. Since they are actual caskets that were used for display each of the legs of the couches have a biohazard emblem imprinted in the steel.
These are not cheap pieces of furniture however. The Aviator is priced at $1200 and the coffin couches begin at $3500.
While I don't have access to any caskets, I do have access to seats that can be considered to have an aviation look to them. This has me wondering if I could construct my own Aviator seat for less then $1200 and have it look similar to what Restoration Hardware has.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Foto Friday!!! A Day late....................
While I realise that the topic and the day of posting don't match, I do have a perfectly good reason. Yesterday I had attended the memorial service for my friend Emily and afterwards went to have a late lunch with friends.
So without any further delay: Foto Friday!!!!
Today's theme is Porches and Pin Up Girls.
Well I hope that you enjoy these as much as I do. Look for something fun in the next few days!
So without any further delay: Foto Friday!!!!
Today's theme is Porches and Pin Up Girls.
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This one is my favourite. I love an older car as opposed to the newer ones. |
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For some reason this one kind of reminds me of the kind of woman that James Bond as portrayed by Sir Roger Moore would have seduced. Very 1970's. |
Monday, January 17, 2011
Some thanks and then some
So last week I had finally (after about 4 days of writing and re-writing) put something up in regards to a friend from long ago that took her life.
I just wanted to thank the Paisley for her support. She didn't know Em as well as I did and even though this has really affected her, she has my back and that is just one of the many reasons to love her the way I do.
I also need to thank SaucyGurl at the NachoBlog for her kind words and the tribute post to her friend Waggy, which in a way was inspiring to me.
I also owe a huge thank you to Roland at Militant Ginger. I have been reading the MG blog for a couple of years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. I have even read one of his books, The Bootleg Boys.
Roland had commented to me about my post and how, although sad, was well written. That meant a lot to me. That was the whole reason I started blogging. To vent, rant, and share my unadulterated opinion with the planet, but most importantly to become a better writer. For a person that I have a virtual friendship with that makes their living as a writer to put that compliment to my work really meant something.
Thank you all.
I just wanted to thank the Paisley for her support. She didn't know Em as well as I did and even though this has really affected her, she has my back and that is just one of the many reasons to love her the way I do.
I also need to thank SaucyGurl at the NachoBlog for her kind words and the tribute post to her friend Waggy, which in a way was inspiring to me.
I also owe a huge thank you to Roland at Militant Ginger. I have been reading the MG blog for a couple of years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. I have even read one of his books, The Bootleg Boys.
Roland had commented to me about my post and how, although sad, was well written. That meant a lot to me. That was the whole reason I started blogging. To vent, rant, and share my unadulterated opinion with the planet, but most importantly to become a better writer. For a person that I have a virtual friendship with that makes their living as a writer to put that compliment to my work really meant something.
Thank you all.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Foto Friday!!! The Bait
In order to have a more productive blog, I thought I would start a segment her called Foto Friday. Whether it's my own work or someone else's, there will be something fun to look at on here every Friday now.
This is a photo of an art piece on board one of my vessels simply called "The Bait".
The guy looking through the peephole almost seems voyeuristic than hopeful that his lady will take the diamond.
Of course she looks like she's really working a plan to get that diamond off the mouse trap without setting it off.
This is a photo of an art piece on board one of my vessels simply called "The Bait".
The guy looking through the peephole almost seems voyeuristic than hopeful that his lady will take the diamond.
Of course she looks like she's really working a plan to get that diamond off the mouse trap without setting it off.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Remember and embrace those close and not so close to you
Friday evening just before leaving the office I was on FB and my friend Megan had posted on her status to make sure that the next time you accept a friend request that you take the time to reach out to that person.
She made this post because she had just found out that a friend that she thought she had all the time in the world to re-connect with was gone.
I don't know why, but this prompted me to send my friend a PM and ask more questions. She and I had a friend from way back named Emily and I had really hoped that this was not "our" Emily.
20 minutes later I received her reply. It was "our" Emily. There was very little information, but Megan was going to keep me posted.
I was heartbroken. I hadn't seen Emily in 17 or 18 years and then about a year and a half ago she popped up on Facebook. We chatted a few times on FB and had tentatively made plans to have lunch soon. We never could get a time locked down for that lunch.
Just writing this has a rush of emotions washing over me. Regret, anger, sorrow, emptiness, oddly enough happiness. I know it's weird, but as you read on you'll see why.
Flashing back, I had met Emily in middle school at the same time I had met Megan. We had two years of friendship and bonding during our time in middle school. Then came the day that we would move onto high school and be at different schools and probably not see each other that often.
We were right and wrong there. We didn't see each other much that freshman year, but the school I was at was going to close at the end of the year. Not enough attendance to keep 3 high schools open in one district as small as ours.
The next school year I was back in the same school with Emily, and Megan, and things were well on track to getting back to normal.
Well kind of.
There will be always be good things I remember about Emily. If I listen close enough in my mind I can hear her laugh. It's loud and high pitched and then she just doesn't make any noise because she's gasping for air from laughing so hard and her face is turning red.
Emily was a nurturer. Funny looking back at things now that she had this social role in life that early on. She was the one that would seek you out if you were having the shittiest of days......."lets ditch and go to Finnegan's for pancakes and coffee" she would say. Fuck yeah. Pancake and coffee therapy was her answer to everything.
She loved music. We were both band-tards. That was really how we met. It was initially the only class we had together when we first met. We both had a love of Pink Floyd though we argued on which was the better album put out by them. Her favourite was the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour album. I have three favourites. Still have not been able to narrow it down from there.
Then there was the love of partying. Emily loved to party.
Boy we did a lot drinking.
High school band trips were just one big portable party. Bunch of kids on a bus taken the drinking on the road. We found a place in every city to party!!
She loved her animals. She had cats and a dog. They were her comfort.
She always seemed to have a look on her face that lead most to believe she wasn't paying attention and was clueless. She was far from clueless and scary smart.
There lunch runs to Dick's Drive In almost everyday in her little VW Squareback. Trusty little P.O.S got her everywhere.
The summer of 1989 when we graduated was the last time I really saw Emily. I actually don't know what happened to her after that.
Jump forward a few years to 1993. I had a call from one of the parental units. Emily had called their house looking for me.
So we we reconnected again and were meeting for lunch. She was living with her folks and trying to get her life sorted out again. We had several long chats over quite a few meals.
That would be the last time I actually ever saw Emily.
She did contact me on Facebook about a year and a half ago. We chatted periodically. We had wanted to get together for lunch or some kind of catch up meal.
I really wished I had made it happen. Like Megan, I kind of thought that we had all the time in the world.
Emily took her own life last week.
Emily also had a history of drug addiction.
She would have been 40 in February.
Going back to all those feelings...........
Regret-that our plans never made it past that.....plans.
Anger-with myself for not making sure I took that extra time to see how she was really doing.
Sorrow-for all the other people in her life that will miss her as much and more.
Emptiness-simply for the fact that when I see other friends from school, we will all be missing something.
Happiness-she's free of her personal demons. She had a few and we all know that and now she can move on.
Emily touched our lives in a good way regardless of her addiction and faults and for that she will be missed.
Since we are both fans of Pink Floyd I think it's only fitting to share one of our favourites. Looking back on things I can't help but wonder if this was hers for personal reasons.
I'm a firm believer in reincarnation. I think she's not really gone, but that she's taking a mulligan so that she can learn what she didn't the first time around.
Well I hope so.
By Em.
She made this post because she had just found out that a friend that she thought she had all the time in the world to re-connect with was gone.
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This is one of her current photos and how I always remember her: with a smile |
After reading the comments by others further the name Emily came up.
I don't know why, but this prompted me to send my friend a PM and ask more questions. She and I had a friend from way back named Emily and I had really hoped that this was not "our" Emily.
20 minutes later I received her reply. It was "our" Emily. There was very little information, but Megan was going to keep me posted.
I was heartbroken. I hadn't seen Emily in 17 or 18 years and then about a year and a half ago she popped up on Facebook. We chatted a few times on FB and had tentatively made plans to have lunch soon. We never could get a time locked down for that lunch.
Just writing this has a rush of emotions washing over me. Regret, anger, sorrow, emptiness, oddly enough happiness. I know it's weird, but as you read on you'll see why.
Flashing back, I had met Emily in middle school at the same time I had met Megan. We had two years of friendship and bonding during our time in middle school. Then came the day that we would move onto high school and be at different schools and probably not see each other that often.
We were right and wrong there. We didn't see each other much that freshman year, but the school I was at was going to close at the end of the year. Not enough attendance to keep 3 high schools open in one district as small as ours.
The next school year I was back in the same school with Emily, and Megan, and things were well on track to getting back to normal.
Well kind of.
There will be always be good things I remember about Emily. If I listen close enough in my mind I can hear her laugh. It's loud and high pitched and then she just doesn't make any noise because she's gasping for air from laughing so hard and her face is turning red.
Emily was a nurturer. Funny looking back at things now that she had this social role in life that early on. She was the one that would seek you out if you were having the shittiest of days......."lets ditch and go to Finnegan's for pancakes and coffee" she would say. Fuck yeah. Pancake and coffee therapy was her answer to everything.
She loved music. We were both band-tards. That was really how we met. It was initially the only class we had together when we first met. We both had a love of Pink Floyd though we argued on which was the better album put out by them. Her favourite was the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour album. I have three favourites. Still have not been able to narrow it down from there.
Then there was the love of partying. Emily loved to party.
Boy we did a lot drinking.
High school band trips were just one big portable party. Bunch of kids on a bus taken the drinking on the road. We found a place in every city to party!!
She loved her animals. She had cats and a dog. They were her comfort.
She always seemed to have a look on her face that lead most to believe she wasn't paying attention and was clueless. She was far from clueless and scary smart.
There lunch runs to Dick's Drive In almost everyday in her little VW Squareback. Trusty little P.O.S got her everywhere.
The summer of 1989 when we graduated was the last time I really saw Emily. I actually don't know what happened to her after that.
Jump forward a few years to 1993. I had a call from one of the parental units. Emily had called their house looking for me.
So we we reconnected again and were meeting for lunch. She was living with her folks and trying to get her life sorted out again. We had several long chats over quite a few meals.
That would be the last time I actually ever saw Emily.
She did contact me on Facebook about a year and a half ago. We chatted periodically. We had wanted to get together for lunch or some kind of catch up meal.
I really wished I had made it happen. Like Megan, I kind of thought that we had all the time in the world.
Emily took her own life last week.
Emily also had a history of drug addiction.
She would have been 40 in February.
Going back to all those feelings...........
Regret-that our plans never made it past that.....plans.
Anger-with myself for not making sure I took that extra time to see how she was really doing.
Sorrow-for all the other people in her life that will miss her as much and more.
Emptiness-simply for the fact that when I see other friends from school, we will all be missing something.
Happiness-she's free of her personal demons. She had a few and we all know that and now she can move on.
Emily touched our lives in a good way regardless of her addiction and faults and for that she will be missed.
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This has to be 1989: Emily on the far right and yes, that is yours truly with the Coke can. It was the 80's! |
I'm a firm believer in reincarnation. I think she's not really gone, but that she's taking a mulligan so that she can learn what she didn't the first time around.
Well I hope so.
By Em.
Monday, January 3, 2011
2010- the year in review..............and you thought I was going to say "the year we make contact".
OK so clearly by the title I'm a movie nerd. If you read on a regular (or not so regular) basis then you know that and you know what movie the title is referring to.
As added fun to this post, the first person to contact me with the name of the movie that the blog title references will win one of my many possessions that I've been just giving away.
Well now that that is out of the way let's get this post started.
Where to begin. That's been the question all year. Seems I've been in a writing funk of sorts. I have the desire, but just no motivation. When I am motivated it's always at a time that is not convenient to put something out there. It's all very...............well you get the idea.
It has been a busy year at that. This year saw more major auto repairs. Jake has proven that he will be a high maintenance bastard until all the work is finished. I bought Jake from my FIL, and after 4 years of ownership he had not taken care of any of the MUCH needed work. That fell to me. Needless to say the pocket book is a bit dry. He still needs more work, but I must admit I've spent more time driving him than I did the Bronze Bitch.
This year saw a fun anniversary get-a-way for the Paisley and I. We actually took the FIL's (new to him) Boxter S to Oregon and stayed at the McMinnamin's hotel in Forest Lawn and took a day trip to McMinnville to the Evergreen Air and Space Museum. We also did some wine tasting while in Oregon and took an impromptu trip to the Oregon coast to see the Haystacks from the film The Goonies and then up into Astoria to see more of the shooting locations from The Goonies, Kindergarten Cop and Short Circuit. What an awesome trip.
As added fun to this post, the first person to contact me with the name of the movie that the blog title references will win one of my many possessions that I've been just giving away.
Well now that that is out of the way let's get this post started.
Where to begin. That's been the question all year. Seems I've been in a writing funk of sorts. I have the desire, but just no motivation. When I am motivated it's always at a time that is not convenient to put something out there. It's all very...............well you get the idea.
It has been a busy year at that. This year saw more major auto repairs. Jake has proven that he will be a high maintenance bastard until all the work is finished. I bought Jake from my FIL, and after 4 years of ownership he had not taken care of any of the MUCH needed work. That fell to me. Needless to say the pocket book is a bit dry. He still needs more work, but I must admit I've spent more time driving him than I did the Bronze Bitch.
This year saw a fun anniversary get-a-way for the Paisley and I. We actually took the FIL's (new to him) Boxter S to Oregon and stayed at the McMinnamin's hotel in Forest Lawn and took a day trip to McMinnville to the Evergreen Air and Space Museum. We also did some wine tasting while in Oregon and took an impromptu trip to the Oregon coast to see the Haystacks from the film The Goonies and then up into Astoria to see more of the shooting locations from The Goonies, Kindergarten Cop and Short Circuit. What an awesome trip.
This year has seen our little Bon Jovi (the dog, not the rockstar) with some health issues. Nothing he couldn't handle, but he's our furry kid and we want him around a long time.
This year FINALLY saw the release of our indie film, The Book of Zombie at the Seattle True Independent Film Festival (STIFF) where we were an Audience Award Winner. We also premiered at Crypticon and a few other films festivals. Hopefully this will get us the return we need in our investment to get another film started. I am working on a short story for another film.
The Paisley and I have also seen the fact that we do not need to have so much physical stuff in our home for it to be a complete home and to be happy. Clutter begets clutter. Along with eliminating clutter, we co-write on another blog we jointly started to chronicle our decluttering process. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard. One thing is we have been learning how less physical clutter also means less mental clutter.
We were also able to attend our first Steam-Con. The Paisley has never been to a con, including a day pass. This was a new experience to her and one that she really enjoyed. We were working as volunteers though, so we missed a lot of the panels we wanted to see. Next year no volunteering!!
So now with 2010 finally wrapped up and put behind us I'm looking forward to 2011 and all that it brings. I have a head start on something that I have always wanted to do and hope to transition to it as a career in the next few years. I have purchased some tattooing equipment and have been getting back into my artwork. I should be up to speed in the next 6 to 8 months. There will be periodic updates on that.
Happy New Year everyone and remember this year to make everything you do count!!!!!
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