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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tales of the Bronze Bitch.....the end of the road

Well the final decision has been made. My beloved 1987 BMW 325 is will no longer be calling my carport home.

After several mental lists and discussions with the Mrs. I've decided to sell the Bronze Bitch.

We've had a great run and had some fun in the past 4 years. I certainly have learned a thing or two about this amazing car for better or worse.

My main motivation is that it's getting up there in mileage. It has somewhere in the neighbourhood of 250,000. This is just a guess-timate. The odometer didn't work when I bought the car. The previous owner had told me that he had put close to 30k on it or more since the odometer had stopped at 198,000 miles.The M20 engine that this car comes with is good for about 300,000 miles with average care and feeding. The body is in great shape with the exception of the clearcote that has come off the the hood and roof. With all the work I've put into it there are no coolant/oil leaks.

Together we've seen some fun places in the sun in the Western half of the state and enjoyed some BMW club events. We've proven that a 22 year old BMW is still a match for some newer cars with cockier drivers out on the road and we've seen just what a well powered/handling German built automobile can do when shown some TLC.

So what will take the place of the Bronze Bitch you may be asking. It will be German. I love German engineered cars! Some people have fetishes, some people have drugs and I have German cars.

At least two people out there know the answer. The Mrs is one and Militant Ginger would be the other.

A short back story is in order before the reveal: my father in law came to Washington state in the 1960's with the intent of building race cars and working in the race industry. Never happened. He got married had kids and became a printer. He never lost that dream though. Over the last 38 years he's restored 2 Studebaker Hawks and one Studebaker Avanti. The two Hawks are long gone but he still has that Avanti.About the same time I bought the Bronze Bitch he purchased a 1986 Porsche 944. I was shocked. My father law, though an admirer of foreign sports cars had always bought American. He was looking to complete a part of that 38 year old dream.

Now 4 years later he is looking to reinvent that dream a bit. He was looking for something newer and sportier. He started looking for another Porsche. Six months later he has finally purchased a 2000 Porsche Boxster.

This is where our stories intersect. My FIL now having an extra car on his hands needs to do something with the 944. My brother in law has a Mini Cooper S and my sister in law and her husband have two kids under 5 so their rides are SUV's. That leaves me. My FIL and I have always had a passion for sports cars.

To further the back story, I have known my FIL since 1986. The Mrs and I met our freshman year of highschool and dated a few times during that period. In that time I met my future FIL and got to see what a car enthusiast he is.

Back to the story, my FIL has an extra car. What to do with it? I'm the one that gets the question: hey dummy, you wanna buy my Porsche?He calls a lot of people dummy, and it should stop, but that aside I of course want it. So several months and some reasoning in my head has decided that I will take over ownership of the FIL's 944.

So shortly the little red kraut kruiser will adorn my carport and the Bronze Bitch will call home to someone else's driveway. I just hope that the next owner will see it's potential as I still do and continue with providing some TLC or maybe turn it into a track car.

I have no doubt that the Bronze Bitch will continue to grace the pavement for a few more years and prove that it's still a menace to other motourists.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Selling my past

So I have decided that I have to much stuff. So much in fact that I need to get rid of stuff.

Where does it all come from? Last I knew I was a 20 something with no possessions and now KAPOWW!!!! I have a condo and an on site storage full of stuff!!!!

This just isn't right.

What's going? Well damn near everything. Clothes that for whatever reason I just didn't wear anymore. I don't know why. It just happened. Maybe they got a little snug and I thought that I'd drop a few pounds and hang onto those clothes so that I could wear them again. Never happened.

There are free tools from my *surrogate parents home almost 4 years ago.

They are not my real parents, but they the treat me like one of the family.

Back the story. So these parents of some close friends decided to sell their house and buy a new motourhome and travel the US for a while. After all is said and done with getting their house ready to sell and on the market they pull away in their shiny new diesel pusher saying that anything they have left in the garage we can sell, keep or throw away.

Wow what a deal. There was a lot of shit in that garage. Not in the literal sense but just in the metaphoric. They had a lot of stuff. There's that word again. I think the word stuff was created to generalise the sense of one's belongings that just couldn't be defined by any one category.

So after hauling much of the stuff to the refuse station I called two friends that love tools. I told them it was a free for all and come get what they needed/wanted.

Marc took tools that he did not have, but had been meaning to get at some point. To give better insight on Marc: he has a two car garage filled with tools. Literally. When you open his garage door you are met with a wall of tools. There is a path. He has wood working tools in one area. Automotive tools in another. Manufacturing tools in one spot (including a sheet metal press) and the list goes on. As I write this he is extending the back of his garage 6 more feet to make room guessed it!! MORE TOOLS.

Then there is Dan. Dan doesn't care if he needs it or not. He will take it. A tool is always a good tool to Dan.

So I looked in the bin the other day of the few tools I did take. Never have used them and obviously didn't need to since I haven't missed them. Time for them to go.

Next on the chopping block: childhood relics. There are two rocking chairs from my toddler hood that were both hand made for me. My kids never used them and I don't know of anyone in my family with small kids that wants rocking chairs. Time for them to go.

N-gauge train equipment. Yes it must go. There is hundreds of dollars in these things. Trains are ok but it's just not my bag. Guess I grew up in the wrong era.

The bowling ball went. I think used it last about 4 years ago. Old toys that I thought I would start a collectibles shoppe with. Never happened. Those must go too.

The hardest one of massage table. Ugh. This one is hard because I laboured for one solid year to get an education. Yes one solid year. I went to school full time at nite 5 days a week while holding down a full time job and two kids and a (now ex) wife that wanted to go to massage school too. There were even weekend workshops (Saturdays and Sundays) two weekends a month. Yes I paid my dues on this one. I did graduate at the top having an overall average of a 95% percent on all work and testing throughout the year. I had my massage school certificate. I took my state exam 3 weeks later and had my state license first time around.

I'm rambling.............oh yeah massage table. Well I've posted it on Craigslist tonite. In 12 years the table has seen less and less use. My last and only client has fizzled out on me. Economy. Must be. She has no money. All too familiar these days. I just don't have the patience to wait for her to have money again. I want my house back. I want all the clutter gone.

Nick knacks and trinkets............gone!! If it doesn't have a use in my life at this moment then it goes.

We've been holding off on some large items to sell at a yard sale that my friend Dan's wife is having next weekend. What doesn't sell becomes property of the Goodwill on the way home.

I really thought that getting rid of so much of my past would be harder than it is. It really isn't. It's just stuff. There's that word again.

I have the memories of all this stuff. That's the only clutter I think I really need.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can we find................our youth, our past

So a friend has recently asked me a question on Facebook. Well maybe more of a suggestion than a question.

Well I haven't seen my friend in close to 20 years. He's living south of me and hasn't really been seen or heard from by much of anyone.

His suggestion is to have road trip with two other friends like we used to do all the time 20 years ago. Damn..........hard to believe that it's been that long. I certainly don't feel my age.

So can 4 almost middle aged guys pull off a road trip similar to days gone by and still find new adventures? I think we can.

We have a prerequisite of things in the works to pull it off though.

Here are a few of the items needed:

  • 1978 Brown VW Rabbit-this was the road trip car back then and no need to jinx ourselves with the wrong car.
  • 4 cup holders big enough for the Super Big Gulp-This was always my best mates drink of choice on the road.
  • 1 duffle bag filled with McDonald's Cheese Burgers-serious. Don't laugh. We used to eat A LOT of McD's on the road.
  • Selection of 80's Hair Bands and New Wave- We were a pretty mixed group. My mate Brian was into metal: Def Leppard,Motley Crue,Winger,White Lion,Van Halen,Ratt,Kiss,Warrant. The other two (Josh and Ryan) were into other music: OMD,Cocteau Twins,Screaming Trees,Skinny Puppy,Revolting Cocks,Black Flag,Social Distortion, get the idea.I listened to both happily. I like it all.
I will have to take up smoking again for this one. We used to by packs of Dunhills and Export A's for our trips. My favourites (and always will be) are a German brand: Botschafter. What can I say............I love a lot of German products.
(I don't read German but I think it says to smoke this in all German vehicles at high rates of speed)

So far I think Josh and I are serious about it. We'll have to convince the other two. I'm sure they'll want to go.

Road trips also involve collecting trinkets from your travels. Ours always consited of various street signs and flashing construction zone lights. We used to take those little flashing lights apart and paint designs on the inside and reassemble them so the pattern would flash on walls.

One road trip even involved Josh's dad paying Brian and I to take Josh to Oregon and leave him there. We should have charged more than $100.

So can 4 almost middle aged guys pull off a road trip similar to days gone by and still find new adventures? I think we can.