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Friday, February 18, 2011

Foto Friday: Fetish Friday!!!

Last weekend the Paisley and I attended an anti Valentines party. It was very small which leads me to believe that more people believe in Valentines day than I was lead to believe.

During the course of the evening a cougar was drinking and getting friendlier with everyone. Yes, I can now say that I have been the victim of a cougar pounce.

My friend G found this mildly amusing and thought that I needed this:

Courarism is a fetish after all!!

Enjoy and happy Foto Friday to all and remember to do something naughty with someone you love, or at least lust. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Word Wednesday

Time for another edition of Word Wednesday.

This week I thought I'd actually get my act together and actually prepare this eve of Word Wednesday so as to actually get it out on time.

I know I've been a bit naughty about getting things out on time. I need a spanking.

OK then back to the word!!!

I've always liked the word POSH. Not it's not a Spice Girls things. Although I must admit as an Anglophile, I love their accents.

It's a versatile word as the below uses and definitions will show.


elegant or stylishly luxurious:
a posh Munich hotel chiefly British typical of or belonging to the upper class of society:
she had a posh accent


in an upper-class way:
trying to talk posh


the quality or state of being elegant, stylish, or upper-class:
we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh



This is perhaps my favourite part: the origin.

There is no evidence to support this, but it is widely reputed to have originated as an acronym for the phrase Port Out, Starboard Home. This was in reference to ships that would sail between England and India. More specifically in regards to accommodations. The preferred staterooms going to India were the ones on the port side of the ship and on the return the starboard side. The reason was that if you switched staterooms like that, you would be able to see land on your entire voyage, hence port out, starboard home, or more simply: POSH.

As someone that works in the cruise industry I love words that have (or supposedly have) a nautical theme behind them.

Enjoy this weeks word!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Measuring your friends: part II

So last week I told you the story of a friend former friend that pretty much acted like a child and unfriened me on FB. BOO HOO.

Am I sad? No!

Should I be?  Why should I? He's a big fucking child! You don't do that to people. It's just bad form.

So the Paisley and I went to an anti-Valentine's day party on Saturday and our friend G was there. I decided to ask G if he knew why C had a problem with him. Well  as I suspected, C didn't get to the centre of attention at some point on G's FB page and unfriended him and now thinks that G is rude.

Digging even deeper, G had posted something almost 2 years ago on FB and  at some point C had made a negative comment to another commenter. That individual was offended by C's comment and G had sent C a PM to ask him to not make hurtful comments on his page to others and that he would be deleting C's comment.

C was not able to comprehend that this was an adult request and took offense. He lashed out at G verbally and lashed out on FB at the other commenter.

C is my age and he's acting no older than my 5 year old nephew!!

The best part was that when I saw C two weeks ago and was speaking to him, he could/would not look at me when I spoke to him and he would not respond to me. I might as well have been having a conversation with the dog. Dogs at least look at you and cock their heads when you speak to them if you use just the right tone.

Look, I understand that when a person has a lot of friends that not all their friends are not going to get along. I expect that. It's inevitable. What I can't wrap my mind around is how C has gotten this far in life without gaining the understanding of comprehension and manners and their correlation to each other.

I know enough people that honestly if C wants to act like this then I'm better off without having him as a friend. I'm in a good place where I have positive changes happening in my life for a change and I'm forming positive bonds with people IRL and virtually and I'm so grateful for these people.

So there's the follow up and this is now officially a black card topic. Cherish old friends and look forward to the new ones and forget the ones that show they aren't really your friends. They will only drag you down.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Measuring your friends

Everyone has at least one friend.

If someone tells you that they don't have any friends, well they're full of shit.

I have IRL friends and I have social networking friends.

My IRL friends I have known since I was a child and some I met later on in life through work or social gatherings.

I have, or had I should now say, a friend that I had met through a local steampunk group that I associate with. C is not a member, but his wife is and sometimes he attends events that we hold.

I got to know C shortly after meeting this group and going to events. He's actually a nice enough guy and  I honestly like him. He has never wronged me and he has always been a generous host when I've been to his home. I've provided him with rides when he has needed one.

My one problem with C is that he doesn't like that I am friends with G who is also in the steampunk group.

No shit, yeah. I mean  how old are we?

Not that C doesn't want me to be friends with anyone else because of something weird or anything like that. C just doesn't like G and and when C is privy to the fact that I've been hanging out with G he always has some kind of derogatory comment to make about that fact that I have been.

Periodically C will clear the "friends" list of his FB page of people to "weed out" those that he thinks are not worthy enough to be his friend. One of those times he posted on FB that he "decided to keep one person that he liked even though he is a friend of G".

3 guesses as to who that was, but you'll only need one.

CORRECT! Little ole me!!

I actually found that offensive. Who is he to judge who I am friends with? What the fuck gives him the right to tell me that  I should or should not be friendly with someone based on his like or dislike without any reason provided as to what wrong G may or may not have committed against him? He's a goddamned child!!

Getting on with my point, I was going to send C a message about some iPhone information that I wanted and yet when I tried to send him one through FB I have discovered that I'm no longer his friend. BOO HOO!!

I'll be at G's house this evening for his annual steampunk anti-valentine's day party. I guess this is the evening I find out what all the animosity is about between the two of them.

Well maybe. I might ask and I might not. Maybe I will just leave things as they are. After all G has never once badmouthed C and he has never made derogatory statements to me about the fact that I am friends with C.

I don't know about you, but I would have to say that G is and has always been the better friend. Not that I've questioned it. G doesn't spread drama and C does.

Honestly I'm fine knowing that C has done nothing more than have the equivalent of a temper tantrum. He has shown who he is and that I'm really better not having him in my life.

I don't fucking play games and I don't get baited into other peoples games.

Take heed, if you have an issue with me, then talk to me about it. If you have some sort of weird jealousy with me associating with someone that you don't like, get over it. Not everyone's friends will like each other and get along and I sure as hell don't expect anyone to put me in the middle.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Foto Friday: Family Life

Well it's technically still Friday in my little time zone here on the 3rd rock from the Sun.

Today's photos are all about family and some of the more fun pics I've taken and images that remind me how wonderful  my family is.

Karen and Bon Jovi playing games at the park.

Alex in a chimney climb at one of the local rock climbing clubs

Galea-aponeurotica. She was named after a tendon while I was in massage school.
Bon Jovi. He was our rescue from Puerto Rico.
Connor in a vertical climb at the rock climbing club

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Word Wednesday

So I kind of thought that it would be fun (and even a little educational) to start something new.

Word Wednesday.

No I'm not talking about "word" as in the newly adapted street slang of the word or even the Micro-Shaft document program.

I'm talking of course about language.

So I thought it would be fun to introduce everyone to a new word every week. After all it's kind of fun to learn something new and we should all strive to expand our vocabulary. The English language is literally the most difficult language to master (or so I had read once) because the same word can have so many different uses which makes it take on a different meaning.

So without any further waiting I present to you the first Word Wednesday's word:

–noun, plural -vi·a  
, -vi·ums.
a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, especially one that is disagreeable or noxious.

1640–50; < Latin, equivalent to ef- ef- + fluv-, base of fluere to flow ( see effluent) + -ium -ium

ef·flu·vi·al, adjective
I must give credit where it's due.
First of all to  for the definition of course.
I also need to give thanks to author O.M. Grey for posting this word last week on her twitter feed and asking followers to use it in a sentence.
I have to admit that I thought it was fun. I know........word nerd alert.
Shut it now!!!
Believe it or not I'm quite a stickler for spelling, punctuation and proper word usage. Weird since I was not a stand out English student all through school.
So have fun, learn a word a week and use it in casual conversation.